We had referenced earlier that “good news of having rats” because it was better than possums. Well on Friday the man dealing with the rats for us found a dead possum. They had chewed their way back in and consumed all of the rat bait. Very likely the “rats” we heard and described in the last post was mother possum and a couple of young ones. As he was telling Crystal about it she could see he was a little nervous. If he had suspected that possums were also in the ceiling then he would have been prohibited from using bait in the first place as it is illegal to try and kill a possum. So he removed all of the baits, sealed up the hole in the eaves and put in a one way door in the roof for the possums to come out. On Saturday night returning from the Australia Day fireworks we saw a small bush-tailed possum on the top of the roof. Likely one that had just come out of the house. After yesterday’s inspection the door was reset as it had been used at least once. Today it hadn’t been used so the hope is that there are no more up there. The good news of the day was if a bush tailed rat comes in the attic the rats are unlikely to enter the attic for a couple of months. Therefore we should have a couple of months of peace. (If only the dead rat in the chimney area would stop stinking when the sun hits the brick in the late afternoon…)